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1DevOps CI CD Pipeline | How and Why It Matters? This article talks about the DevOps ci cd pipeline, its basics, and how it is implemented in the current software world.
2Guide to Confirmation Testing: Concepts, Features, Pros & Cons Confirmation testing, also known as retesting, is one of the software testing techniques that ensure the software is error-free and guarantee the delivery of high-quality final products.
3The Benefits and Challenges of Test Automation in Game Development This blog explores the potential advantages and pitfalls of test automation in game development and guides on choosing which games to automate.
4Difference Between Software Testing and Firmware Testing In this blog post we will explain the difference between software and firmware testing and their importance, procedures, and significance. Make sure to read till the end to clear your concepts.
5How to troubleshoot game performance problems? — — Performance Optimization Good game performance is a necessary component for quality gameplay. However, Game performance problems caused by bugs, hardware problems, or inefficient coding, such as slow frame rates, can often occur and negatively affect the player experience.