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1Ensuring Mobile App Security: A Checklist for Robust Protection Time plays a critical role in the modern mobile industry, and developers often rush to create apps, leading them to ignore critical security measures. To address this issue, we have devised a brief checklist for use when building mobile applications.
2Keeping Up with Automation Testing Trends in Challenging Economic In this article, we will explore the top automation testing trends that are emerging in the current economic climate.
3Why Cloud-based test automation So Popular? Cloud-based test automation is an approach to software development that utilizes cloud technology to speed up testing and software releases. From game development to machine learning projects and even automation testing, everything is on the cloud.
4Beginners’ Guide to Automated Regression Testing: What is It and How to Perform In this blog, we will cover the following questions: • What is regression testing? • Why do we need automated regression testing? • How do I perform automated regression testing?
5Difference between Agile Testing and Waterfall Testing The difference between waterfall and agile is fundamental knowledge to acquire. If you want to know which one is better for your project, this article will help you decide which one suits your needs.