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1Why & How We Conduct App Automated Testing? In this article, we will explore the benefits of app automated testing, including improved test efficiency, increased test coverage, and reduced costs. We will also provide tips on how to start implementing automated testing in your mobile application testing process.
2The Importance of Manual Testing in Software Development In this article, we will discuss the advantages of live testing, the difference between manual and automated testing, and provide a step-by-step guide to conducting effective manual testing.
3The Vital Role of Compatibility Testing in Web Development This article will explore the significance of conducting compatibility testing across multiple platforms to ensure optimal functionality, display, performance, and user experience.
4Appium vs Espresso Showdown | Which One is Better & Why? This article goes through the Appium vs Espresso comparison to help you decide which one is for your project.
5Lessons from 194 Tracked Bugs: Improving Coding, Testing, and Debugging Practices Below are the most important lessons I've summarized, covering three aspects: coding, testing, and debugging.