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1WeTest Long-term Cooperation Partner Introduction- Japan KOL Ryo(The First Issue) WeTest PerfDog has become a performance testing tool used by users all over the world. Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on “performance testing tools” and received comments and videos from YouTube KOL.
2Guide to Confirmation Testing: Concepts, Features, Pros & Cons Confirmation testing, also known as retesting, is one of the software testing techniques that ensure the software is error-free and guarantee the delivery of high-quality final products.
3Windows 11 Compatibility Issues with Games | Overview Try out different graphics game settings in Windows 11 as you transition to learn how to overcome windows 11 compatibility issues with games and make the experience as smooth as possible.
4Best Practices for Effective Software Testing in Leading QA Companies To mitigate risks and ensure the creation of dependable software, major businesses often rely on top-tier QA companies. These companies emphasize the use of diverse automated tools that streamline testing tasks, resulting in efficient and cost-effective procedures.
5Mastering Mobile Game Testing: Types and Challenges In this article, we will explore the different types of mobile game testing and their relevance to the development cycle. We will also discuss the challenges that testers face while testing mobile games and how to overcome them.