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1What Is a Web Application? Definition, Pros, Cons, & Basic Concepts What is a web application and why it is very important in the current software industry? In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of web apps and what advantages and disadvantages it comes with.
2The Importance and Challenges of App Performance Testing During Economic Downturn This article discusses the benefits of app performance testing during economic downturns and provides solutions to the challenges, such as understanding the objectives and scope, using AI-powered testing tools, testing on real devices and networks, and monitoring and analysis.
3How to Make Your Go Program Run Faster? This article is about the Go language. It primarily focuses on runtime speed, rather than development speed – these two types of speed are distinct.
4A Localization Strategy Should be Considered When Your Product Goes Global The language and culture of each country are different, which determines that a single marketing strategy is difficult to bring good results. Therefore, a well-designed localization strategy is very important.
5End to End Testing vs Integration Testing: Key Differences Today we are going to talk about end-to-end testing vs integration testing and all the related concepts which one needs to know to get started with these testing techniques.