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1Software Test Plan Example: What Is the Test Plan and How to Write It? Are you looking for the software test plan example? And if you’re trying to learn more about the test plan? In this blog, we’ll figure out all your question about the test plan, and how to write it, and also offer a vivid example to help you have a better understanding.
2Intelligent Test Automation: How Does It Optimize Your Testing Intelligent test automation is a rapidly evolving technology aimed at streamlining and improving the testing process in software development. In this post, get to know what it is and how it optimizes your testing process.
3Why & How to Conduct QA Testing During the Mobile App’s Development Lifecycle? (Part 1) In this article, we will explore why QA testing is important, and provide an overview of the best practices for conducting effective QA testing on mobile apps.
4How to Choose Web Accessibility Testing Tools, and How Does the Use of The Web Differ from the Clien Web accessibility testing tools are software applications designed to assess the accessibility of websites for users with disabilities. These tools utilize automated and/or manual testing methods to identify and highlight potential accessibility issues.
5Enhancing Usability Testing through User Tours in Mobile Testing This article explores the importance of user tours and highlights several user categories that can be considered during these tours.