
What is Data Migration Testing | Applications & Common Types

This article focuses on data migration testing, its applications, and common techniques. Let's explore them.


The successful transfer of data from one system to another depends on data migration testing. Data migration has become a frequent activity due to the ongoing advancement of technology and the requirement for businesses to adapt to new systems. Data migration does not, however, come without risks. If the migration is not fully tested, data loss, corruption, and inconsistent behavior may happen. 

This testing is essential for reducing these risks since it verifies the functionality, accuracy, and integrity of the moved data. The idea of this testing, its applicability in many industries, and the typical sorts of testing procedures used to ensure a smooth transition of data are all explored in this introduction. Let's dig deep. 

What is Data Migration Testing:

It is the process of thoroughly assessing and confirming the successful transfer of data from one system or environment to another. Its purpose is to ensure that data is moved accurately and securely without any loss, corruption, or inconsistencies.


In this testing, we make sure that all the specified functional and non-functional requirements of the application are satisfied after migration. This is done by determining whether the migration of the legacy system (old system/application) to the new system occurs with little disruption/downtime, complete data integrity, and without any loss of data.

The testing team makes sure that the application is completely tested from beginning to end along with the successful migration from the old system to the new system when an application is transferred to a different server and the technology is updated to the next version.

In this scenario, system testing would be carried out using both the new data and all the old data (data utilized in the old application). Along with the new or updated functionality, the current functionality must also be checked. It is necessary to continue testing legacy apps alongside new and upgraded ones until the latter is stable and consistent.

Applications of Data Migration Testing:

This comprehensive process involves several steps. First, there is the planning phase where the objectives, scope, and requirements of the testing are defined. Test strategies, plans, and cases are developed, and the source and target systems, data mapping, and formats are identified.


Next, data extraction takes place, involving the retrieval of data from the source system, followed by any necessary transformations or cleansing to prepare it for compatibility with the target system. The extracted data is then loaded into the target system, ensuring proper mapping and insertion into the correct fields and tables.

Once the data is loaded, validation checks are performed to ensure its accuracy and integrity. This includes verifying its completeness, correctness, and consistency through techniques such as data reconciliation, sampling, and quality checks. Functional testing is conducted to ensure the migrated system operates correctly, testing user interfaces, reports, workflows, and system integration points.

Performance testing is also conducted to assess the efficiency and responsiveness of the migrated system, measuring factors like response times, throughput, scalability, and resource utilization. Rollback testing is performed to ensure the system can revert to its original state if needed, without data loss or corruption.


Security and compliance testing are important aspects, validating the security measures implemented during migration such as encryption, access controls, and data privacy. Compliance requirements like GDPR or industry-specific regulations are also considered.

Documentation and reporting are maintained throughout the testing process, recording test plans, cases, results, issues, and resolutions. Test reports are generated to provide an overview of the testing activities, outcomes, and any remaining risks or issues. 

Common Types of Migration Testing:

Several commonly used types of this testing are typically conducted to ensure the accurate & reliable transfer of data. These include:


1. Data Integrity Testing: Data integrity testing examines the consistency & integrity of the migrated data. It ensures that the relationships between different data entities, such as primary & foreign keys, are maintained correctly during the migration process.

2. Data Reconciliation Testing: This testing method involves comparing the data in the source system with the data in the target system to detect any discrepancies or variations. It aims to ensure that the data migration process has been accurately executed & that the data in the target system matches that in the source system.

3. Data Performance Testing: Data performance testing focuses on evaluating the performance of the migrated data in the target system. It measures factors like data retrieval times, indexing efficiency, query performance, & overall system responsiveness to ensure optimal performance.

4. Data Rollback Testing: Data rollback testing verifies the ability to revert to the original state if any issues or failures occur during the data migration process. It ensures that the rollback procedure is thoroughly tested and that data can be restored to the source system without any loss or corruption.

5. Testing for Data Completeness: This type of testing ensures that all the required data has been successfully migrated from the source system to the target system. It aims to prevent any data loss or omission during the migration process.

6. Testing for Data Accuracy: Data accuracy testing focuses on validating the correctness of the migrated data. It compares the data in the source system with the data in the target system to identify any discrepancies or errors.

7. Data Validation Testing: This testing approach verifies that the migrated data complies with the predefined business rules and constraints. It checks the data against specified criteria, such as formats, ranges, dependencies, and validations, to confirm adherence to the expected standards.

Wrapping up:

In conclusion, data migration testing involves various crucial types of testing that aim to ensure a seamless and secure transfer of data from the source system to the target system. These encompass checking for data completeness, accuracy, validation, integrity, reconciliation, performance, and rollback. Thorough testing in these areas helps mitigate the risks of data loss, corruption, and inconsistencies during the migration process. Validating the migrated data's completeness, accuracy, consistency, and integrity is vital for successful data migration and the optimal functioning of the target system.

At WeTest, data migration testing and functional testing are done by the industry's veterans and highly skilled engineers to get the best possible results for your projects. WeTest has developed tools like PerfSight and PerfDog which make teamwork collaboration and deep insights into your mobile app projects and games possible like no other. Having served well-known brands in the industry such as SuperCell and Riot games, you can always count on WeTest for data migration and other aspects of your project.

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