
Fact Check: Why does DevOps recommend shift left testing principles?

This blog post talks about the question of why does DevOps recommend shift left testing principles and what are its implications in software development.


Enhancing software quality and accelerating development processes are key objectives in today's fast-paced technology landscape. To achieve these goals, the concept of shifting testing activities earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) has gained significant attention. This blog post explores the benefits and best practices of shifting left in testing, a principle that emphasizes initiating testing activities as early as possible. 

What is Shift Left Testing Principle

The principle of Shift Left testing involves a paradigm shift in software development and testing, emphasizing the early initiation of testing activities within the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Unlike traditional sequential approaches, Shift Left testing advocates for the integration of testing activities at the earliest stages of development, ideally during the requirements and design phases.


The primary objective of Shift Left testing is to detect and rectify defects and issues at an early stage, minimizing the cost and impact of resolving them later. By moving testing activities towards the beginning of the SDLC, organizations aim to proactively identify and address problems, ultimately improving the quality of the software, expediting feedback loops, and accelerating time-to-market.

Shift Left testing encompasses various practices, such as conducting early static code reviews, performing unit tests, implementing continuous integration and automated testing, and adopting agile and DevOps methodologies. It emphasizes collaboration and close cooperation among developers, testers, and stakeholders throughout the entire development process.

So, why do DevOps recommend shift left testing principles?

DevOps recommends the adoption of Shift Left testing principles for several reasons. Here are the key factors:

Early Bug Detection: By shifting testing activities to earlier stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), Shift Left testing allows for early bug detection. This helps identify & address issues at an early stage, reducing the cost and effort required for bug fixes later in the development process.

Faster Feedback Loops: Shift Left testing facilitates faster feedback loops by providing prompt validation & verification of code changes. This enables developers to receive immediate feedback on the quality and functionality of their work, allowing them to make necessary adjustments and improvements early on.

Improved Collaboration: Adopting Shift Left testing promotes collaboration between development and testing teams. By involving testers in the early stages of development, teams can work together to ensure that requirements, design, and implementation align with quality standards, resulting in higher-quality software.

Continuous Quality Assurance: Shift Left testing aligns with the principles of continuous integration and continuous delivery in DevOps. By integrating testing activities early & frequently, teams can establish a culture of continuous quality assurance, ensuring that software is thoroughly tested throughout the development process.

Reduced Rework: By catching and addressing defects early, Shift Left testing helps reduce the amount of rework required. This saves time, effort, and resources that would otherwise be spent on fixing issues discovered late in the development cycle.

Enhanced Deployment Confidence: Shifting testing activities leftwards instills confidence in the deployment process. With rigorous testing & validation in place from the early stages, teams can have greater assurance that the software will perform as expected in production environments.

So you now know why DevOps recommend shift left testing principles. The benefits of Shift Left testing include enhanced defect identification, reduced rework, quicker feedback, improved collaboration, and overall elevation of software quality. It aligns with the principles of Agile and DevOps, promoting continuous testing and early, frequent feedback loops. By embracing Shift Left testing, teams can deliver software of higher quality that meets or exceeds customer expectations.

At WeTest, clients get testing services with the support of the most popular DevOps tools and state-of-the-art tools like PerfDog and PerfSight. These tools make it possible to get deep insights into your project and also enhance the overall maintenance and supervision of your testing scenarios with correct troubleshooting and verifying performance data.

Summing Up:

This article attempted to answer the questions of why DevOps recommend shifting left testing principles and basic definitions as well. The adoption of Shift Left testing principles in the context of DevOps is highly recommended due to its multitude of advantages. This approach involves moving testing activities to earlier stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to detect and address bugs and issues at an early stage, minimizing costs and efforts associated with later fixes. 

By implementing Shift Left testing, organizations can benefit from faster feedback loops, improved collaboration, continuous quality assurance, reduced rework, and enhanced confidence in software deployment. This approach aligns with the core principles of DevOps, emphasizing collaboration between teams and promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement.

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