
What are automated software testing tools & how to choose the best automated software testing tool

In this post, we will talk about the much-asked question "what are automated software testing tools". In addition, we will share some suggestions on how to choose the best automated software testing tool for you.

What are automated software testing tools?

A test automation tool is a tool that helps teams and organizations automate their software testing requirements, reducing the need for human intervention to achieve greater speed, reliability, and efficiency. But there's more to it than that.

Automated software testing tools have reporting capabilities that record each test script to show the user the status of each test. Testers can compare results with other reports to assess how the software is performing compared to expectations and requirements.

Overall, automated testing tools allow workers to avoid manual testing and focus on other project priorities. QA teams can reuse automated test scripts to ensure that each review is performed the same way. In addition, automated testing helps teams find errors quickly in the early stages of development, which can reduce overall work time and project costs.

A test automation tool is a piece of software that enables people to define software test tasks and then run those tasks with as little human-computer interaction as possible.Using recruitment and traditional automation tools such as Selenium can save up to 80%.

Defining Test Automation

Automated testing is the process of verifying that software is functioning properly and meeting requirements before it is released into production. This method of software testing uses sequences of scripts executed by testing tools. Automated test tools perform an inspection of the software, report the results, and compare the results with earlier test runs.


Organizations can apply automated tests to a wide range of use cases, for instance,  unit testing, API testing, and regression testing. The main advantage of automated software testing is that it reduces as much manual work as possible to a set of scripts. For example, if unit testing consumes a significant percentage of the resources of the quality assurance (QA) team, then the process should be evaluated as a candidate for automation.

Automated tests can be run repeatedly at any time of day. This approach applies to continuous testing, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD) software development practices. The purpose of these practices is to pass code changes into production without human intervention.

Benefits of automated testing

Automated testing improves the efficiency of the QA team. The benefits mainly include:

  • High precision
  • Better reporting capabilities
  • Increased coverage
  • Improved resource efficiency
  • Improved bug detection
  • Increased reusability

How to Pick the Right Test Automation Tool?

We summarize the steps to choosing the right automated test tool into five steps. As follows:

Step 1: Consider the Testing Requirements of Your Project. First, consider the type of software you have and the type of test automation available for that type of software. If your app is a one-page application written in a framework like React or Angular, you might want to learn more about the options for front-end testing.

Start by considering the type of software you are writing, the specific requirements of your industry, and mental models such as the test pyramid to determine your project's testing requirements.

Step 2: Assess The Testing and Coding Skills of Your Personnel. Let's say your team is a very small team, and everyone is an engineer. So, while your staff is excellent in terms of coding skills, you can't say the same about actual QA experience. For example, engineers often have no experience with more formal types of testing, such as session-based exploratory testing.Knowing your team's strengths and weaknesses is critical, as you will need to consider these factors when choosing a test automation tool that makes sense to you.

Step 3: Filter the Pool of Available Tools According To The Criteria Defined In The Two Previous Steps.This step is to look at the tools available and filter them based on what you learned in steps 1 and 2. For example, do many people on your team have no programming skills? There is no such thing as a 100% code-based tool. It may make more sense for your team to choose a tool that has no code or uses a mixed approach.

Step 4: Evaluate The ROI of The Candidate Tools.When evaluating the ROI of candidate tools, you must go beyond simple cost. It is necessary to evaluate the total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with the tool.

Step 5: Start Small, and Evaluate.When you're ready to choose a test automation tool, don't go all out from the start. Instead, start as small as possible. If your company currently has several projects, choose a small one that is relatively simple. Start doing automated testing there, as an experiment. Use the tools you selected based on the previous steps and build a minimum feasible test automation strategy.Then, after a while, evaluate your current strategy and use what you've learned to improve it. Rinse and repeat.


In this article, we've looked at automated software testing tools. We explained what a test automation tool is and why you need it. Before sharing practical tips, we've introduced you to some test automation tools that you can use to decide which one is best for you. By now, you should have a firmer understanding of the importance of test automation and the criteria you should consider when choosing tools to help you. If you want to follow our advice, try using the tools we are using: Automated Testing, Mobile Automation Testing Tool - WeTest.

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