
Test Automation Frameworks, their Types & Features in Software Testing

This article talks about test automation frameworks and their types in the industry. Read till the end to learn this very basic concept of software testing scenarios.


In the current software resting world, any good automated testing procedure must include testing frameworks. For QA teams aiming to improve their agile procedures, they may cut maintenance expenses and testing time while also offering a stronger return on investment during the projects. This article will give QA professionals a high-level overview of each type of framework & how they can contribute to the success of any automated testing process, whether they are new to automated testing or just need a fast reminder.

What is a Test Framework?

 A framework is comprised of a combination of practices and tools that are designed to help QA professionals test more efficiently. It is a collection of rules, instruments, libraries, and organizational frameworks that offer a disciplined method for planning, setting up, and running tests.

Building and organizing test cases, handling test data, and reporting test results, outlines a set of guidelines and practices. A test framework's major objective is to streamline the automation and management of tests such that they are more effective, maintainable, and reusable. The general guidelines for conducting automation of frameworks include coding standards that you can avoid manually entering, test data handling strategies and advantages, object repositories, and readily accessible storage for the results of the derived test data.

The automatic management of numerous industrial processes is referred to as automation. and in the IT industry, test automation is the process of running tests on applications using various automation tools to see how they behave or react to user input. These tools come in both licensed and open-source varieties. Several people utilize the application once it has been released and take a variety of actions with it.

Types of Test automation frameworks

Automated testing frameworks come in a variety of forms, each with a unique set of features and benefits. Following are a few well-liked categories of automated testing frameworks:

1. Linear Framework

This is the simplest and most fundamental type of test automation framework which entails developing a series of test cases that are carried out sequentially. It is simple to comprehend and put into practice, but it isn't flexible or reusable.

2. Modular Framework:

Using a modular automation framework, test cases are broken up into manageable, separate modules. Each module is concentrated on testing a certain aspect or capability of the application. Multiple test cases can use the same module, which makes it simpler to maintain and update the tests.

3. Keyword-driven Framework:

Framework for testing that is keyword-driven makes use of a list of keywords or action words to denote various test processes. These keywords are used while writing test cases, and they correspond to particular actions or functions in the underlying test automation platform. The emphasis is placed on the keywords rather than the underlying implementation making it simpler to design and alter test cases.

4. Data-driven Framework:

This framework works when test data and test logic are kept apart. Test cases are made to read test data from databases, spreadsheets, or XML files, among other external sources. As changes to the test data do not necessitate changes to the test code, this enables a more flexible and reusable approach.

5. Hybrid Testing Framework

This framework combines elements from different types of frameworks to leverage their strengths. It aims to provide a flexible and scalable approach to test automation. For example, it may use a modular approach for organizing test cases, a data-driven approach for managing test data, and a keyword-driven approach for executing test steps.

6. Page Object Model Framework

The POM framework is specifically designed for web application testing. It separates the test automation logic from the web page elements by creating separate classes or modules called "page objects." Page objects encapsulate the interaction with individual web pages, making tests more readable, maintainable, and reusable. With 1000+ support for mainstream devices, WeTest provides cloud-based mobile application automated testing services with standard frameworks. Clients get expect Integration with the most popular CI/CD tools to trigger automated tests along with test analysis in one convenient view.

Wrapping Up:

A test automation framework is, in essence, a collection of elements that make it easier to run tests and produce thorough test results reports. Equipment, testing tools, scripts, procedures, and most importantly, test automation engineers, are key elements in effectively implementing a test automation framework. 

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