
Bug Bashing: Ultimate Guide to Know What Is It and How to Run It

In this article, we'll delve deeper into the concept of bug bash, consider its importance, and walk you through how to do it step by step.

What Is Bug Bashing

A Bug Bash is a testing activity performed by multiple people at the same time. The testing process may involve the same group of people or people from different teams of interest. A Bug Bush is a team or business event where many bugs are identified in a short period. This includes developers, QA teams, marketers, testers, UX teams, designers, and administrators. The bug-smashing process usually occurs in a huge common room, and those who find more bugs are rewarded. 


Why You Need to Conduct Bug Bashing

Bug bashing has plenty of advantages. By conducting it, your testing work will be more effective and accurate. Here are the main benefits of using it:

1. Find unearthed bugs

Bugbash is a great solution for finding bugs in any product or service segment. At Bug Bash, his 30+ talented people, including QA testers, designers, product managers, and more, inspect your product for errors and bugs in less than an hour.

2. Provides an opportunity to get inside information about our products

Another advantage is that it gives internal teams a chance to finally get to the product. Teams work on and become familiar with specific parts of product development. For internal team members, familiarity with other product and service areas will make a difference. Identify high-priority errors early.

At the time of the sprint, the product reaches production quality. bash provides a buffer time for software developers to investigate critical bugs before ghosting completes.

3. Strengthening relationships between teams

Bug Bash fosters camaraderie between different teams and provides healthy competition across product groups. Bug bash helps increase accountability in application development. In this process, software developers publish their achievements and other engineers provide valuable feedback to meet their goals and ensure product quality. 

4. A staging environment replicates the production environment

A staging environment allows interaction between different users. You can also load-test your application at this point. It is difficult for developers to run these tests independently.

How to Run a Bug Bashing

Step 1. Create a location and set a date for your Bug Bushing performance

The first and most important step in hosting a bug bash is setting a date and creating a space for everyone to participate. It seems like a small thing, but it's important to determine the availability of all teams in your organization. This improves the quality of testing as more people need to identify bugs in the product. It also improves team building, as mentioned earlier.

Step 2. Assign roles and responsibilities

Many players participate in bug bash. So before starting the testing process, make sure you know who is responsible for each. Everyone involved in testing should clarify their bug bash role before testing begins.

Step 3. Send invitations to invitees.

We all get a lot of emails and notifications. Therefore, you may not receive the invitation. Your Bugbash invitation should be unique and stand out among the hundreds of emails in your inbox. Not all invitees are obligated to attend.

Step 4. Form a team for Bug Bash

This step is the most important part of organizing your bug bash. Bring people from different departments together as testers and allow them to get to know them better. The cooperation of team members depends on the size of the tester pool and the testing scenario.

Step 5. Plan test scenarios

According to your plan, the team develops test scenarios. A test scenario defines the functionality that needs to be tested. Test scenarios are also called test options or test conditions. Quality assurance testers need to put themselves in the user's shoes and find real-world scenarios. 


Bug bashing is a crucial part of software testing. This rigorous practice aims to find, report, and fix software bugs and defects that can adversely affect the performance, security, and user experience of software applications. Well, with the improved technology, software testing is no longer as complicated as you imagine. A one-stop software testing service, WeTest Automation can help you a lot. It can detect a variety of software bugs and works on thousands of devices. Most importantly, it can automatically test your application, improving efficiency greatly.

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