
Black box Testing Example & Pros, Cons, and Applications

This article states a black box testing example, basic definitions and types of this testing technique, and related concepts.


Whether we knew it or not, every single one of us has used black box testing numerous times in daily life. We may infer from the name alone that it suggests engaging with the system you are evaluating as a mystery box. It indicates that while you are not enough versed in the system's underlying operations, you are aware of the appropriate behavior. If we take a gasoline car or bike as an example to test it, we always drive it to make sure it doesn't act strangely. See? Black Box Testing has already been carried out in your daily life and is kind of a black box testing example.

What is Black Box Testing

When using a black box testing technique, the system or application being tested is being tested without the tester's knowledge of its underlying structure, workings, or implementation specifics. With no access to the source code, design documentation, or other internal data, the tester approaches the system as an outside user or an attacker.


When conducting black box testing, the tester ignores the system's underlying data handling and processing in favor of concentrating on the system's functioning, inputs, and outputs. Assessing the system's behavior, finding functional flaws, and determining if it complies with given requirements or user expectations are the main objectives.

Black box testing concentrates on a system's functional requirements without taking into account any of the internal workings or implementation specifics. The internal organization or design of the system is not necessary for the tester to understand.

It guarantees that a system complies with the demands set out by the client or user. Unit testing, integration testing, and system testing are a few of the levels at which a black box test can be carried out. Running black box testing is a useful strategy to find flaws and guarantee that a system functions as intended.

Types of Black Box Testing:

Functional testing: The goal of functional testing is to ensure that an application performs as intended. Functional tests, for instance, may check that legitimate users can successfully authenticate while invalid login attempts are rejected by an application's authentication mechanism. Sanity checks, integration tests, and system tests are examples of typical functional testing kinds.


Non-functional testing: It measures how well an application carries out its essential functions. Performance, usability, scalability, and security testing are a few examples of tests.

Regression Testing: It is intended to make sure that functionality is not broken by an application modification. Regression testing, for instance, should be done after a vulnerability in an application is patched to make that the fix didn't make the application fail functional or non-functional tests.

Black box testing example

Let's look at a black box testing scenario for a web application's file upload capability. The goal is to evaluate how well the application handles various file kinds, sizes, and edge cases.

Test Case 1: Valid File Upload

    • Input: Select a file of a supported file type (e.g., PDF, JPEG) within the specified size limit.
    • Expected Output: Successful file upload, with the file being saved and accessible within the application.

Test Case 2: Unsupported File Type

    • Input: Attempt to upload a file with an unsupported file type (e.g., TXT, EXE).
    • Expected Output: Rejection of the file upload with an appropriate error message indicating that the file type is not supported.

Test Case 3: File Size Limit

    • Input: Upload a file that exceeds the specified size limit.
    • Expected Output: Rejection of the file upload with an appropriate error message indicating that the file size exceeds the limit.

Test Case 4: Empty File Upload

    • Input: Attempt to upload an empty file.
    • Expected Output: Rejection of the file upload with an appropriate error message indicating that the file is empty.

Test Case 5: Concurrent File Uploads

    • Input: Simultaneously upload multiple files from different users.
    • Expected Output: Proper handling of concurrent file uploads, ensuring that each file is saved correctly without interfering with each other.

Test Case 6: File Overwriting

    • Input: Upload a file with the same name as an existing file.
    • Expected Output: Proper handling of file overwrite, ensuring that the existing file is replaced with the new one.

Test Case 7: Special Characters in File Name

    • Input: Upload a file with special characters (e.g., %, #, &) in the file name.
    • Expected Output: Proper handling of special characters, preventing any issues related to file naming, and ensuring successful upload.

Wrapping Up:

Black box testing is a technique for testing software applications' functionalities without having access to their underlying code structure, implementation specifics, or internal routes. Black Box Testing is based on software requirements and standards and primarily concentrates on the input and output of software programs. Additionally called behavioral testing, we also stated an example of black box testing example to clear the concerns. 

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