
What do all agile frameworks have in common | Agile Methodology Basics

What do all agile frameworks have in common and how it works? This article focuses on the common attributes and their objectives.


Before we deep dive into common aspects of agile frameworks, let us talk about their history first. Agile approaches and the ideas behind software development that they were based on have been around for far longer than the Agile Manifesto, which was only recently put together. For instance, fast-action development has been in use since the early 1980s, whereas scrum was formally formed in 1993 but was mentioned as a development practice as early as 1986. 

Agile frameworks took off in the 1990s, partly in response to the rise of personal computing. Iterative and incremental methods have been used since the late 1950s and started to be utilized seriously in the 1970s. The typical time between business demand and a completed solution was about three years before the world started to move more quickly than development. This article focuses on the common aspects of different frameworks and answers the question of what all agile frameworks have in common.

What Are Agile Frameworks?

Agile frameworks are methodologies that assist in the iterative and incremental development of software and projects. They offer guidelines for adapting and responding to changing requirements, customer feedback, and market conditions. These frameworks encourage collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle.
One of the best methods for software development is an agile process, which is incremental in nature and iterative in character. The adaptive technique used by the agile development process performs best when the customer requirements can be altered at any point before development. The customer is given priority over the process in the agile method, and the team is flexible and responsive to customer modifications even after they have been made. 


What do all agile frameworks have in common?

For individuals that adhere to the manifesto's ideas to start acting and producing value, an agile framework offers recommendations for putting agile concepts and principles into practice. All agile frameworks support a lightweight strategy that results in a better response system. Agile frameworks have a lot of things in common, including:

1. Gradual Development:

They are based on iterative and gradual development. Gradual development describes how the project develops over time in little steps, with each iteration building on the one before it. Instead of waiting until the project is finished, the team concentrates on producing a functional and potentially shippable product increment at the end of each iteration.

Gradual development enables early and frequent delivery of value to consumers or end-users by taking incremental steps and gradually refining and improving the product with each iteration. It enables the team to receive input and modify the project accordingly, resulting in a more polished and pertinent final product.

2. Focus on Iterations:

They place a focus on delivery in a dependable, predetermined iteration. Agile frameworks prioritize delivering value through a step-by-step approach. This involves working in fixed periods known as iterations or sprints. The focus on delivering in a reliable and predetermined iteration brings predictability, early feedback, and incremental value. Stakeholders can depend on regular updates, which builds trust in the development process. Each iteration produces tangible results, allowing for early benefits and prioritizing important features. It also enables continuous improvement by reflecting and adjusting at the end of each iteration.

The emphasis on delivering in a reliable and predetermined iteration within agile frameworks ensures a consistent pace of progress, encourages stakeholder involvement, and enables adaptation based on feedback. By dividing the work into manageable iterations, teams can deliver value to customers sooner, incorporate feedback in subsequent iterations, and continuously refine their processes for better outcomes.

3. Flexibility:

Another common attribute among agile frameworks is that they provide teams with a simple and flexible plan to guide their development processes. This plan sets clear goals and priorities, allowing the team to focus on delivering value. It embraces an iterative approach, breaking the work into smaller iterations and adapting the plan based on feedback and changing circumstances. Agile plans are adaptive, collaborative, and transparent, empowering the team to take ownership and make informed decisions. Overall, a simple and flexible plan supports the team in effectively delivering value while allowing for continuous improvement and responsiveness.

Agile frameworks offer teams a straightforward and adaptable plan that outlines goals, promotes collaboration, and accommodates changes. It enables the team to prioritize and deliver value while empowering them to take ownership of the development process. The plan's flexibility ensures responsiveness to evolving needs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and successful project outcomes.


We attempted to answer the question of "what do all agile frameworks have in common" and its basics. Agile frameworks serve as practical guidelines for individuals and teams seeking to apply the values of the Agile Manifesto. These frameworks share common traits, including iterative and gradual development, a focus on predictable delivery in iterations, and the provision of a simple and flexible plan for teams. By adopting these frameworks, teams can continuously deliver value and adapt to changing requirements. 

At WeTest, clients offer performance Test & Analysis tools like PerfSight and PerfDog which give deep insights into the software projects with support for secondary development and data for various performance aspects. and the best part is that they let the teams collaborate better and achieve their goals within targeted timelines. 

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