
A Beginners Guide to The Query: What is Functional Testing

If you are still wondering about what is functional testing and which techniques to use then this article is for you. We have explained here a beginner conceptual dose to all of you out there just entering the testing world.


It's not enough just to test your code; you have to make sure the tests cover everything you want them to cover - the good and bad bits. To do this you must know exactly what your test cases are supposed to check for - otherwise, you might accidentally find yourself writing tests with the intent that doesn't match reality and not realize until much later that one-day people will start complaining about seemingly random bugs in your code! With this article, we look at how important it is to do the functional test from the beginning, and how organizations often fail at this because they don't realize what their testing goals should be before a project even starts.

What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing is a technique used to test a system or application against its intended use. It is a form of software testing that focuses on the application's functionality. When you do functional testing, you're checking how a product performs under its normal usage. Functional testing is the most important type of testing because it determines whether your software will work when it's used by real people in the real world. Functional testing includes four steps:

  • Planning and preparing for your project (including creating test cases)
  • Running tests on each component in your application, verifying that they work correctly according to their specifications
  • Reviewing results from previous steps to make sure they meet expectations

Major Techniques to Implement Functional Testing:

1. Unit Testing

Unit testing is a form of black-box testing. It involves writing test cases that verify the behavior of individual units of code without looking at the internal details of those units. Unit tests should be written only for small pieces or modules, and they should use only public interfaces for their subcomponents. This helps prevent accidental dependencies between different parts, which can be hard to debug if something goes wrong later on down the line. The reason why unit tests are so important is that they help us identify possible bugs early in development and thus improve quality control significantly before it reaches stakeholder acceptance levels (which means we don't have any late changes).

2. Code Coverage

Code coverage is a measure of how much of the source code is covered by tests. It's used to measure the quality of our tests and to make sure they cover all possible paths through our codebase. Code coverage helps us see which parts of our application need further work before we can release it. If we have 100% code coverage, then every part of an app has been exercised at least once during unit testing or integration testing (or both). This means there are no areas where we still have bugs left in production that could be causing problems for users—and you'll know about them quickly.

3. Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is a lightweight form of testing. It’s used to verify that the system is working as expected, as well as functioning correctly. Here’s how it works:

You write some test cases for your application (like these examples). They should be simple enough that you can run them quickly and easily on your machine, but not so simple that they become useless after running once in a while—like “write 1,000 lines of code” or “run this program 10 times in a row with different values for input parameters." If you're writing smoke tests for an existing application and need something easy-to-use yet powerful enough for large volumes of production data sets and complex algorithms (such as search engines), then go ahead and use the Selenium IDE toolkit from Google instead.

4. User Acceptance Testing

It is a subset of user-centered design, which consists of the process of creating a usable product for end users. User acceptance testing can be used to determine if the product meets the needs of its intended audience and if it has been built with best practices for usability. A user acceptance test (UAT) is an assessment that determines whether or not an end-user can learn how to use a system within reasonable timeframe, interact comfortably with it, and achieve their goals by interacting with it. The goal of UAT is to ensure that your users will have no problems using your software during routine operations and other common tasks—that they won't encounter any major issues when performing their daily duties as part of their job responsibilities.

5. Usability Testing

It is a test that is conducted to evaluate the usability of a product or service. It's also known as human-computer interaction (HCI), user experience design (UXD), and user-centered design. It involves observing and recording how users interact with products and services, as well as collecting relevant information such as task completion times, errors made during use, and satisfaction levels achieved by an end user after using the product/service. Usability studies involve researchers interviewing users about their experiences while using different products/services; they may also observe actual interactions between people to determine what problems exist within them which could be fixed through improvements made on new ideas/products not yet released onto marketplaces via marketing campaigns.

6. Regression Testing

Regression testing is a type of testing that's done after new changes have been made to the software system. It looks for bugs that might arise from those changes and ensures that the software still works as intended. Regression testing can be done with any automated tool, but it's usually performed by developers themselves or other people who know how to use regression tests most effectively. For example: If you're making tweaks to an existing feature in your application (e.g., adding another field), you might want to write some code and then run its results through a set of tests before deploying them into production. This will catch any potential bugs early on so they don't impact users negatively. If someone else has added new functionality (e.g., adding another feature), then using a separate test suite would allow them access only when there aren't any outstanding issues related specifically within their work area(s).

Wrapping Up:

Before we conclude our post on the topic "what is functional testing", we can state that functional testing is the best way to check that a product's features work as expected, because it determines whether the software will work when it's used by real people in the real world.

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