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Updated on: 2023-09-19 14:49

1. Live Testing session is closed by accident, how to recover it?
If the page is closed accidentally, Go to Real Device List and find the “My Devices”, then you can click “continue” to use the device.

2. Why does it shows that debugging session is over even if I didn’t end the test?
Live Testing will timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity.

3. What should I do if there is black screen issue or connection error during Live Testing session?
You can report the issue or contact our online customer service, describe your problem and we will help you solve it ASAP.

4.Is there an limit of Maximum time on a single device in Live Testing?
The maximum duration of a single device is 5 hours, and it will be automatically closed after 5 hours.

5.Which devices can use Google push service?
If you want to use Google push service, you should select the device that supports the Google service framework.The most common are the Google series, Samsung S series, and Huawei Mate series.