Android ADB Shell
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Android ADB Shell

Updated on: 2024-04-01 14:28

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. For more details, see here.

Connecting an Android device to your local machine

Now ADB Shell is only for paid users, please contact our sales team for permission.

  1. Make sure you have installed ADB successfully. You can download ADB here.
    Run adb version command to check that.
  2. Go to Console and open an Android real device in Live Testing
  3. Click “Enable” to grant ADB permission of the device
  4. Copy and run the following command to start a connection in your local terminal
  5. [Android Studio] Once you have connected with this device, you can also find it in your Android Studio.

Common ADB Commands

1. Install/uninstall App

adb install path/to/app.apk
adb uninstall com.myAppPackage

2. Export log to local system

adb logcat
adb logcat -c // clear // The parameter -c will clear the current logs on the device.
adb logcat -d > [path_to_file] // Save the logcat output to a file on the local system.
adb bugreport > [path_to_file] // Will dump the whole device information like dumpstate, dumpsys and logcat output.

3. Transfer files to the real device

adb push [source] [destination]    // Copy files from your computer to your phone.
adb pull [device file location] [local file location] // Copy files from your phone to your computer.

4. Monkey Test

adb shell monkey -p com.myAppPackage -v 10000 -s 100 // monkey tool is generating 10.000 random events on the real device